after the convocation~
which is monday i went to interview working~
before interview we went to sing k at sungei wang~
its damn nice but i was a bit sleepy tat time~
still very blur blur after the crazy fun nite^^
always we 4 girls..friendship forever^^

当你很不屑的举高支手问我为什么要背叛你,为什么说谎,为什么要私奔到月球时,我只能深呼吸,然后说很抱歉,因为我在这段失恋阵盟线里把你逼到了寂寞边界,让你爱不单行,也在不懂第几个100天里一直痴心绝对的对着失落沙洲说搞砸了,搞砸了,害你一直都在背对背的拥抱着。。我只想说,相爱没有那么容易,不能爱得满满,也不能爱疯头,因为每个人都有它的脾气,我只希望我们还是好朋友,也希望你能够找到属于你自己的SHERO,让你在画沙中能够欢天喜地的唱出你一直向往的雨爱,不要再暗示我说你是我的花朵。记住,虽然不能永远在身边,但我们依然会是朋友,再不然匿名的好友也不错的,所以你要加油!勇敢的去终结孤单,投入在恋爱ING里!。。~这就是我今天和朋友们在K房里唱的一部份歌,唱得超级疯,一个字:H I G Hthe super awesome
she always can memories those thing and care alot friends~
she can create all the song's name we sing tat day^^cool^^
love her so much^^
after sing k then we went to interview~
well~the interview still ok~
will be start working by next week~
but they still haven find a good hostel for us~
i think im gonna find by myself better~
after interview~
we went to time square continue our second round~
bowling bowling^_^

with the malay jun..haha

our second sister~joan

and the lil bro..xian

after finished played bowling~
we went back home^^
************************************************************************************the next day~
our classmates already promise wanna sing k with ah lum~
but most of them ffk~
just left me,xian,kc,ah lum & carrie
we still went to neway~
but i prefer green box~lol
while they singing there~
we taking some pics^^

ah lum zai singing his lovely song^^

the boring xian..haha

student and teacher
which is kc & ah lum~
they sing the old song i never listen~
coz quite old they sing..lol

even just few of us~
but still good feeling~
i was very tired these few day~
but i still wanna go out have fun before i start working in kl~
my new life new challenge coming soon~
bless me♥