happy happy birthday to my beloved daddy~~^^
but tat's not a real birthday~just ic birthday..lolx
my daddy already 54 years old...but he said is 55 years old..coz chinese is + more 1 year...^^
actually my daddy dint expect that we will celebrated for him~
we decided wanna give him a suprised...hoho~
at first my sis called my cousin them act like nothing..and said is my another lil cousin b'day and called my daddy come to my cousin house..hehehe
but my daddy so cute...when he reached my cousin house he asked my lil cousin:''why ur birthday same as me i duno''..and show the ic to him...so funny my daddy..and my lil cousin said ya meh..i also duno tat my birthday same date with u..lolx....good job my lil cousin..hahaha~~~
while wait and wait~
me and my mom went to bought the cake and some foods~
but my father already wait until asleep~~lolololx~
so when we all reached there and then swift off the light~
we all sing a birthday song to my daddy~yahoooo~~~
i think my daddy was suprised tat...coz he dint expect tat~~
but still hope my daddy will happy of tat with all cousin celebrated with him^^
*the 54th birthday cake for my daddy*
*my 2 lil cousin..so funny tis pic..coz the lil cousin and my daddy just woke up look..lolx*
*heihei!~the most sweetest kiss from my mom to the husband~c my daddy so happy..hahaha*
*...hmm...and another 1 cousin..which my daddy keep dont want let him kiss...hahaha...*
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