i love this bear which the 1st time u give me this present~
its mean alots to me~
i just can say..i will missing u always~
take care~
A lovely song touching the heart~
and call people trying to open the heart~
that is some1 told me and sang for me~
to let the love open the door~
must have the key to enter the heart~
and 1 day u will be find the key to enter the heart~
that's the meaningful lyrics
When people keep repeating
That you'll never fall in love
When everybody keeps retreating
But you can't seem to get enough
Let my love open the door
Let my love open the door
Let my love open the door
To your heart
When everything feels all over
When everybody seems unkind
I'll give you a four-leaf clover
Take all the worry out of your mind
Let my love open the door
Let my love open the door
Let my love open the door
To your heart I have the only key to your heart
I can stop you falling apart
Try today, you'll find this way
Come on and give me a chance to say
Let my love open the door
It's all I'm living for
Release yourself from misery
Only one thing's gonna set you free
That's my love
Let my love open the door
Let my love open the door
Let my love open the door
To your heart
When tragedy befalls you
Don't let them bring you down
Love can cure your problem
You're so lucky I'm around
Let my love open the door
Let my love open the door
Let my love open the door
To your heart
got many people dint open their heart got the reason~
some is they maybe hurt by other before~
some maybe they still cant forget their ex~
some is they have no feeling with them~
and some maybe they haven find the right 1~
got people said me im selfish in love~
coz i dint open the heart for them to love me~
maybe yes or maybe no too~
coz the feeling is the most important~
im scare people when they said like me or love me if i dint really mean it~
coz time can prove everything~
i cant understand them which they cant open my heart and then said my bad words~
i prefer being friend better than being lover~
some time being friend will be better than lover~
i like freedom and i dont like people bind me~
i just being myself~
i know my heart and which i love~